Underlined titles are GTF booth programming with clickable links, and NCECA conference programming has room numbers for you to easily find!
Wednesday March 17th, 2021
2-3:00 PM EST - Green Ceramics - Exploring Environmental Practices - Dr. Wendy Gers
This presentation explores green principles, looks at an array of innovative practices and discusses a wide range of practical steps that ceramics artists can implement to reduce their impact on the environment
3-3:30 PM EST - Virtual Reception for Clean Green Ceramics (Concluded)
The above-mentioned presentation will be followed by a Virtual Reception for Clean Green Ceramics, a new initiative that certifies environmental management & Occupational Health & Security (OHS) in ceramic studios, classrooms, residencies & potteries
4:45-6:15 PM EST - Disrupting the Canon - Room 2 -Magdolene Dykstra, Natalia Arbelaez, and Habiba El-Sayed
Disrupting the Canon highlights the work of four women whose practices take a critical look at our inherited narratives. Natalia Arbelaez, Magdolne Dykstra, Habiba El-Sayed and Heidi McKenzie celebrate women of color and the roles that they play, while also reminding us of how we have been systematically left out
Thursday March 18th, 2021
9-10 AM EST - Paver Bricks: Considerations for How to Handle Studio Waste - Liz Duarte
Liz will present best practices for how to manage ceramics studio waste in individual, community and university settings
10-11 AM EST - Mud Matters - Dr. Fiona Fell & Jonathan Mess in conversation with Dr. Wendy Gers
The upcoming Mud Matters features Dr Fiona Fell (Australia / Spain) & Jonathan Mess (USA) will present their respective ceramics practices. This monthly professional development webinar focuses on sustainability & environmentally engaged practices. The artists will explore questions of using raw & unfired clay, recycling studio clay & glaze waste & performance
4-5 PM EST - THE SHARD PROJECT: Leaving a Record for the Future - Room 3 - Lauryn Axelrod
THE SHARD PROJECT is an interactive, community-based, environmental art project and exhibition that utilizes handmade ceramic shards, intended to last thousands of years, which tell the story of the current global climate crisis, and stimulate conversation and action around climate and justice issues
5-6 PM EST - It’s Green O’Clock Somewhere -GTF Happy Hour (Concluded)
Meet & greet GTF members! Live book signing of Sustainable Ceramics with Robert Harrison. Zoom Meeting ID: 959 9477 4656 - Password is green
5-5:30 PM EST - Studio Unplugged - Room 3 - Josie Bockelman
The Clay Studio’s Pottery Unplugged bicycle project grew out of our commitment to engage the community with free opportunities for everyone. Our pedal-powered pottery wheel travels through Philadelphia neighborhoods, attracting curious people wherever it stops. One-person pedals, the other throws a pot. This collaboration gives space for connection and discovery
Friday March 19th, 2021
10-11 AM EST - Making New Habits to Build a Community Presentation - Phi Le
Phi will discuss their business and ceramic practices, centered on inclusion, advocacy and community building
1-2:30 EST - Enslaved and Free: 19th-Century African-American Potters - Room 2 - Leslie M. Harris, Earline Green, David F. Mack, Brenda Hornsby Heindl, Adrienne Sptnozzi, and Mark Shaptro
African-American potters were active in diverse contexts during the 19th century. Just as fired clay reveals history as archeological evidence, the work of enslaved and free potters in New York City, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia illuminates the robust role African Americans have played in American culture and ceramic history
2:45-3:45 PM EST - National Park Residencies: A Story Told in Clay - Room 2 - Brad Bachmeier
The U.S. National Park System has a 100-year interdependent history with artists. Uncover how ceramicists can find inspiration while joining this venerable tradition through Art Residencies. Witness geological, archeological, and conservation themes that framed my own work, created during five AIRS. Join the dialogue; the Parks await your voice
5-6 PM EST - The Cink: A Water Recycling/Waste Reclamation Sink - Robert Oaks
Robert will give a presentation about a product from his company (Diamond Core Tools) that is used for clay and glaze clean-up. Waste material can be collected and added to your clay or glaze recycling stream. The Cink needs no connection to plumbing and recycles through its own water in a closed system. Zoom Meeting ID: 928 8398 5437 -Password is green
Saturday March 20th, 2021
12:00–12:30 AM EST - Karla Garcia discusses professional development, and her current solo exhibition, I Carry This Land With Me - Karla Garcia & Dr Wendy Gers
Learn more about raw clay installations & professional development as emerging artist Karla Garcia (USA / Mex) discusses her art practice with Dr Wendy Gers, Founder, Ceramics Coach. ** This presentation is part of the NCECA Organizations: Saturday Talk Times.
1:30-3 PM EST -Conversations for Change - Room 3 - Adam Chau and Natalia Arbelaez
A roundtable discussion surrounding systemic racism in the field of ceramics. The Color Network will present a statement video and then go into small breakout rooms where participants will discuss prompts surrounding these issues. Participants are required to show their first and last name as well as an active camera
4:30 PM EST - Seagrove Clay: Cross-Cultural Traditions - Room 4 - Ben Owen, Fred Johnston, David Stuempfle, and Hitomi Shibata
Four potters from Seagrove, NC share their backgrounds, traditions, and perspectives from living and working within a community of diverse artists with a unique cultural history. In this mosaic network, families ancestrally rooted in Seagrove and families relocated from around the globe are united in clay